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Miss Clark

Currently reading

The Rising
Kelley Armstrong
The Girl Who Fell Beneath Fairyland and Led the Revels There
Ana Juan, Catherynne M. Valente
The Mark of Athena
Rick Riordan
Princess of the Silver Woods
Jessica Day George
The Serpent's Shadow
Rick Riordan
The Demigod Diaries
Rick Riordan
Marissa Meyer
Curse of the Thirteenth Fey: The True Tale of Sleeping Beauty
Jane Yolen
The Sandman: The Story of Sanderson Mansnoozie
William Joyce
Perfect Scoundrels
Ally Carter
How to Cheat a Dragon's Curse (How to Train Your Dragon Series #4) - Cressida Cowell I read these after watching the feature film from Dreamworks, which I greatly enjoyed. However, they are two very different things, no more so apparent than in the vastly different portrayals of Toothless. So, be aware of that.

The books are amusing and easy reads for kids 7 and up.